Video & Sound Production - Project 1

Jenani Raja Saker 0334331
Video & Sound Production
Project 1


Week 1 - Fundamentals & Equaliser

I was unable to attend classes, due to my ongoing illness and certain internet connectivity issues, nevertheless the posted internet tutorials were vey much useful. Below are the tutorials according to the weeks: 

Week 2 - Sound Shaping

Week 3


Week 1
After being guided through the Adobe Audition software, we were tasked with several different audio files, and we are to identify the difference, and make it similar to the original by using the parametric equalizer. Below are the screenshots of it. 

Eq 1

Eq 2

Eq 3

Eq 4

Eq 5

Eq 6

Week 2
In our second task, we were to play around more with the parametric equaliser, enabling us to manipulate the audio in a way that makes it sound like were in different areas or mediums by also adjusting the reverb.

Sample of a Voice in a Stadium

Sample of a voice in a shower

Sample of voice being spoken through a walkie-talkie

Sample of a voice in a call

Sample of a voice call in a closet.

Week 3
Right after the lectures, we were rewired to use the sound editing techniques taught and manipulate the audio designing them to sound three different ways which are the variation of punches, alien voice, as well as a deep explosion. Below are my completed manipulations.

Voice of an Alien

A deep explosion

Punching with variations


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