Publishing Design Project 2


Week 6 - Week 10 ( 02/10/20 - 30/10/20)
Jenani (0334331)
Publishing Design
Project 2


This section has 6 main parts to it :

1. Layout References
2. Determining Grids Exercise
3. Type Specimen Sheet
4. Book Layout Design
5. Final Spread Compilation

So, let's begin shall we?

Layout References

Mr. Vinod liked the way the text plays with the edges. Though it was playful, the words could still be read. I wanted to draw inspiration from that, and use it in. my layouts. 

Determining Grids

From the exercises, I managed to determine the grids, and the margins for my book layout. Below is the determining grids exercise. 

Type Specimen Sheet

Add caption
The chosen type for the book are:
Heading: Helvetica Neue Bold, 14pt
Body Text: Helvetica Neue Regular, 9pt
Subtext: Helvetica Bold Oblique, 7pt
Pull Quote: Bonjour Alt, 59pt

Book Layout Design

Below is my first layout attempt on Chapter 1 :

Here is my 2nd attempt: 

After receive feedback from Mr. Vinod I decided to streamline the process, and follow the set format. Below are my final thumbnail and spread compilation: 

Here is the pdf of the final book layout in spreads:

Here is the pdf of the final book layout thumbnail version:

Below is the final flip book link:

Here are the final Book layout mockups: 

Week 6 Specific Feedback 1. Just as how there is a set style of margin for my body text, having the same style for my heading, pullquote or sub text would be fine and not monotonous as they will be introduced in a tasteful manner at specific times only, not in all the pages. 2. When looking at layout references, the first thing we need to notice is the margins. 3. Try looking at layout references with the same book , you can see how they manipulate the layout of the pages and create visual surprises. 4. The contrast between my title and the subtext is good. The contrast is complimentary. General Feedback 1. We ought to have better references, or at least hone our skills in picking the correct references. Try diversifying the source of reference.

Week 7
General Feedback: no feedback as my laptop was broken
Specific Feedback: no feedback as my laptop was broken

Week 8
General Feedback: no class (independent learning week).
Specific Feedback: no class (independent learning week).

Week 9
Specific Feedback: 
I need to work on my layout in terms of being selective with how I place my pull quote. I should allow the visual to sing and not fight with the textual element. Instead, they should both be complimentary and help each other look better. Right now, they seem to be fighting with each other for presence. I probably ought to let some full spreads of visual elements to let the visuals shine. 

General Feedback: 
The book cover should be done separately, should be at least 2 mm larger. However, if it's for viewing online, there's no need for that. We also need to start to introduce page numbers, but make sure it doesn't stand out too much.

Week 10
Specific Feedback: 
For my cover design, I can just use the second layout and try to make it seem like the front page is transitioning to the back through the color. I need to fix the placement of the Publisher and Author as the Author needs to take the spotlight. 

General Feedback: 
We need to always have at least 3 mm of white space around the barcode. We shouldn't give that much prominent to the publisher. 

This experience was extremely stressful more so because my laptop decided that it was gonna take a break from all the torture I was putting it through. It couldn't have came at a worse time. I felt extremely defeated and I think this mindset sort of carried out throughout the rest of the semester.

I sort of noticed that I had given up, not sure why, but the situation around the country seems to be getting to me. Even tasks or exercises I would've found simple before was starting to become more difficult for me.

I found myself breezing through time without much motivation to do the work. I saw this reflect in the quality of my work as the effort I would put into it had to be double and I found myself dry of inspiration and creativity.


This site gave insights on the traditional methods of publishing a book covering from aspects such as layout, trim size, typography etc. I learnt that the Selecting a trim size is the first step in the book layout project. Will it be a standard size (like 5.5 x 8.5 or 6×9), which is best for the long chapters of a novel or memoir? Or maybe a wide art book with a small caption of text on each page and lots of room for large photographs? It is up to us to decide. 


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