Brand Corporate Identity - Project 3

16.10.2020 - 30.10.2020  (Week 8 - Week 10)
Jenani (0334331)
Project 3 ~ Collaterals ~
Brand Corporate Identity


This week onwards, we began what would be the gruelling task of designing the stationery which includes a business card, letterhead, invoice, continuation sheet and envelopes. Below are all of my attempts.

Attempts at Collaterals: 

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FINAL Stationery Set JPEG

Business Cards: 


Continuation Sheet:

Letterhead Cover:

Letterhead with text:


Envelope Back:

Envelope Front:

Envelope Dieline Front:

Envelope Dieline Back:

Stationery Set Flatlay:


FINAL Collaterals Set JPEG

Packaging Labels : Sheet Mask Label

Packaging Labels : Sheet Mask Mockup

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Packaging Labels : Essential Oil & Mask Label

Packaging Labels : Essential Oil & Mask Mockup

Packaging Labels : Toner Label

Packaging Labels : Toner Mockup

Website : Landing Page

Website : Landing Page Mockup

Booklet : 

Social Media  : Instagram

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Social Media : Facebook

Environmental Design : Storefront

Environmental Design : Signage

Collaterals Set PDF:

Collaterals Flat Lay JPEG:

Collaterals Flat Lay PDF:


Week 8 Specific Feedback: 1. - General Feedback: 1. We have to utilise the grid system when designing our stationery. 
2. We should never use Photoshop to design the stationery sets as they are not vectorised and cannot be scaled. 
3. We are required to use a dyeline for the envelope. And be wary when using patterns, they have to be subtle and not overpower.  Week 9 Specific Feedback 1. I should not use color for the envelope as it is just going to cost more.
2. The letterhead design does not need to follow exactly as shown. That is merely an example. We have the liberty to rearrange but remain methodical.
3. I should try to input elements of the logo into the design of letterhead and general layout.
General Feedback
1. We need to have a 5 mm border for the gluing. 
2. Avoid having the logo in the front of the business card. The back of the card doesn't necessarily need to be a pattern, and can be a typographical design.
3. We ought to choose 2 social media sites, Facebook, and Instagram preferably with fake posts. 
4. Environmental designs is basically the office space, or a physical environment. 

Week 10
Specific Feedback: 
1. I should refer to Pentagram's method of showcasing a website. The way Ive done it does not showcase any of the brand values.
2. I should design the packaging and labels for the brand not just pasting my logo on the items.
3. The brand images should all be of a similar style. They shouldn't be too different. We can add a slight tint to the images to make them more consistent.
General Feedback: 
1. We need to start working on the brand guide from today and complete it until the Logo section. We should finalise all our stationery and collaterals, as well as social media posts. 


Tough is all I can say. There's a lot of trial and error, leading to frustrations. I am hoping that I do not just follow blindly to get the job done but am actually learning. Mr. Vinod is extremely experienced and although it is gruelling, I appreciate how much effort he puts into it. Mr. Vinod, if you're reading this, thank you. Genuinely, thank you. 

I notice myself going into autopilot mode, not really responding and sort of just being there going through the classes in zombie mode. 

I realise that attitude is extremely important when it comes to learning. It's not always the teacher. More often than not, it is the students attitude towards the learning process that affects it. I should put in more effort and manage my time more efficiently in order to learn without feeling... well, dead-ish.


In all honesty, I did not read very much, but I did however read about Pentagram's brand identity works. Their approach and style as well as methodology/ process in designing is very insightful. Also a great source of inspiration. 


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