Advanced Interactive

Jenani Raja Saker (0334331)
Advanced Interactive Design
All Projects


Project 1

For our 1st project, we will be creating an interactive mobile application using Adobe Animate. Mr. Razif told us to decide on 1 topic that we would want to do for the mobile application and start doing the flowchart, mindmapping or moodboard for the mobile application. We were told to start looking for references to also look into the other two projects ahead and make sure theyre all tied in to each other and are related as well.

For this project, I was thinking of 3 different mobile application:
1. Fashion online store
2. Personal planner / calendar app
3. Mood Planner (related to emotional eating Major Project)

For my project 1, I decided to go for the Mood Planner app, as it is related to my major project and I started on my flowchart and looking for some references on Pinterest and Dribbble to get some ideas on the pages and also design.  

I then straight away jumped into illustrator to get my designs and play around with it. Here is a screenshot of the process.

Below are the finalised digitisations:

After finalising my assets, I then proceeded on my animation, in the animation I knew I wanted the moods (the coloured balls) to be slowly drifting and moving indicating always shifting moods. 

Below is the screen recording of my animation. 


It's actually quite fun to learn a new software. I feel like adobe animate is not as hard as after effects, however the scripting process is quite confusing for me. The animation process also do requires a lot of time to work on it and also requires a lot of trials and errors. . It's really fun and tiring at the same time to work on this project. The fun part is the designing process, where we design our own mobile application and we are open to any topics and themes. The tiring part is of course the animation process, which is quite tedious and need a lot of work. Overall, it's a really fun experience and exposure to new software which I could use in the future. 


Project 2

For our 2nd project, we were to create an AR filter using Spark AR and the theme/topic is open for use to choose, we can do whatever we want and we can start to think of a theme/idea on what filter we want to do. Basic requirements:
1. Use face tracker
2. Background replacement
3. Use face interaction patch 

For this project, I came up with 2 different ideas on what kind of filter I want to do. (can be seen from the slides)
1. Mood/Ambient filters
2. Eating Moods Game 

I decided to go for the 2nd idea which is the Eating Moods game as it has higher ineteractivity and suited the goal of my final project better. Below is a screenshot of my patches and a process of building the game. 

This is a screen recording below of the final game:


This project is a really fun one. I really enjoyed it. It's really nice that we are free to choose the themes and topics that we wanted to do making it fun to think about what kind of filter that I personally like and wanted to make. This project is also not as complicated as the 1st project, it is more enjoyable and easy. I personally think that I will be using this software more often in the future to create my own Instagram filters.


Final Project

For our final project, we were required to create a web version of our Project 1 once again tied into our theme. The deliverables are as below:
1. Interactive microsite using Adobe Animate for the your desired topic prefereably related to the entire theme, which also serves as an instruction to download and user guide for the app.
2. Interactive AR application using Spark AR Studio

For this project, I wanted to create a web application that shows the information about the In A Mood application and game and the general brand. 

Progress on creating assets on Illustrator:

Here are my final assets:

I then once again began my animation process, below is a screen recording of the final video:

Below is the Spark AR game:


This module is quite challenging and fun at the same time. I was able to learn 2 new softwares that I have never learned before. Both of the softwares also helps me a lot in doing other modules and I have learned to create my own filters which I find very fun and interesting. Adobe Animate is a bit challenging and hard, but I think it will be very helpful for me in the future in terms of animating. Overall, it was a fun and interesting experience.


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